The Book Giving Tag!

Hey hi hello friends, and welcome back to my blog! 

I thought today I would do the BookTube Giving Tag, even though this isn't a BookTube channel. I love this tag plus it's a chance to bring awareness to a charity! After Thanksgiving (November 25th) every view of this post will correlate to one dollar that I will donate to the charity I'm mentioning today. Of course, you are more than welcome to send in your own donation, please comment below if you do! 

I want to highlight the Migraine Research Foundation. As you'll know if you've been reading my blog for a while, I have chronic migraine, and I'm no closer to finding the cause or a cure than I was 12 years ago when I had my first episode. Migraine is a debilitating neurological condition and is classified as a disability in the United States. There is still no permanent cure for migraine, only preventative and onset relief medications available, some of which are hundreds of dollars and are not covered by most insurance companies. The Migraine Research Foundation uses 100% of the money donated to them for research into finding better treatments and a cure for migraine headaches. 

You can donate here, or click here for more information.

Okay, now for the tag! I'm not sure who the creator of this tag is, if you know please let me know and I'll edit accordingly! 


1. What's a book you would GIVE everyone if you could? 

    I'm sure you're all super tired of this answer, but I really do have to say The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, and no, I won't stop recommending it! Everyone I've talked to that has read it has had some sort of revelation or inspiration come from the book. There are so many incredible messages in its pages and I wish more people would take my advice directly and read it. Really, you won't regret it!

2. What's a book you couldn’t GIVE a fuck about? 

    There are a lot of books that I couldn't care less about, but for today I'll just say The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood. I know that everyone and their mom is going crazy for this book, but I'm decidedly not a romance fan and I probably never will be, so I'll just let this book slide right out of my view.

3. GIVEN that the holidays are coming up, what's a book you hope someone buys for you?

    I tend not to get books directly from people, mostly they give me gift cards or cash to buy the books myself, but I'll put it out into the universe now that if someone got me the library editions of the Avatar: the Last Airbender comics, I would probably cry. I'm not exaggerating either, I would full on sob, because those books are so beautiful, but so expensive.

4. What's a book or series you've GIVEN up on? 

    Well, I have an entire list of book series that I've DNF'd (it's here, in case you missed it) and I have a shelf on Goodreads dedicated to books that I didn't finish here, so feel free to peruse at your own leisure.

5. Who's a character you wish an author would GIVE more time to? 

    I really, truly wish from the bottom of my heart that Maggie Stiefvater gave us more about and from Noah in The Raven Cycle. His life (and death) is so fascinating and we hardly know anything about him. I want an extra story about Noah from when he was still alive. I want a story about Noah in the years before he met Gansey and co. I just want more Noah.

6. Who's a character you wish an author would GIVE less time to? 

    I didn't care much for Annie's chapters in Fireborne by Rosaria Munda. I found her POV to be irritating and whiny, and I know that you were supposed to feel sympathetic for her situation, but I couldn't help but feel like she was just coasting through life on Lee's back. Lee's POV was much more interesting to me and I would have preferred if the book was only through his eyes.

7. If you had to GIVE up almost all of your books, which ones would you keep? 

    Definitely my Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. They're my original copies and totally beat up, to the point where I'm almost scared to try and read them again, but they mean so much to me! I would keep those and my Owlcrate editions of Call Down the Hawk and Mister Impossible by Maggie Stiefvater. Those are the only special editions of books that I own, and they're signed. 

8. What's the best book or bookish thing you've ever been GIVEN? 

    Hmmm, I've gotten so many wonderful bookish goodies over the years, it's hard to choose! Probably my little skull-and-raven light that Angela gave me as a Christmas present a few years ago. It's not technically bookish, but she got it specifically as a Chainsaw figurine, from The Raven Boys. It's next to my TRC books on my shelf and it truly looks like it belongs there.

9. What's a book someone gave you that you wish you could GIVE right back? 

    As I said before, I'm not usually given books, whether as presents or promos or anything like that. However there was a book my mother got from the library and then told me I should read it. I don't remember the exact title, but it was essentially a diet book. I'm sure you can imagine how I responded to this unprompted recommendation.

10. Name a time in a book that a character was GIVEN something really meaningful? 

    I'm going to say something really cheesy, but in Fifty Words for Rain by Asha Lemmie, our main character Noriko was given a second chance at life with her brother, Akira. She had been abused and neglected so heavily in her childhood, that once Akira got her away from that house I literally cried with relief and happiness. And since Fifty Words for Rain is in my top books of this year, I feel like I had to mention it.


Okay, that's it for this tag! Again, if you can, don't forget to donate to the Migraine Research Foundation, and share this blog post so more people see it!

Until next time!
