Failing Rory Gilmore: Reading Update 10.9.19

Hey hi hello friends, and welcome back to my blog!

Happy October!

I love October so much. It's my favorite month of the year, my favorite season, my favorite holiday, my birthday month, my favorite sabbath....the list goes on and on. Basically I'm an October/Halloween aesthetic hoe and honestly if it was socially acceptable to dress like it's Halloween every day of the year I absolutely would. It's also the time of the year when I feel most validated as a witch. I know it's kind of stereotypical that I'm obsessed with Halloween as well as a witch, but I mean come on! Halloween was literally born due to witchcraft, and I am going to milk it for all its worth. 

Anyways, I am participating in two readathons this month. I'm sure you could guess that I'm doing the Samhain 2019 round of Witch-a-Thon (hosted by Rhiannon from Crescent Moon Reads on YouTube, they're my favorite seriously), and my TBR for that will be up soon, but today I want to talk about the Gilmore Girls readathon!

As you could probably tell from the title, the Gilmore Girls readathon is centered around the iconic early 2000s TV show, Gilmore Girls, which I've watched maybe four times? Five? I've lost count honestly. It's one of my favorite TV shows ever. So when I saw that a readathon was happening inspired by it, I jumped on the bandwagon real quick. 

There are seven book prompts each based on a certain aspect of the show, and then a group read (which I could participate in but I'm not because I barely have time for the seven books already on my TBR). So far, I've only read one book, and the readathon is half-over, so I'm slowly dying but it's fine I'm fine everything's fine

You don't want to know how long it took me to get the font right. 

So far I've read Not Even Bones by Rebecca Schaeffer, and it was very good, but then I completely deviated from my TBR and devoured Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mendel. I mentioned in my most recent video that I really wanted this to be a five star read and oh boy, it did not disappoint. I was completely enthralled by this story, you'll get more of my thoughts in my wrap-up. And now I'm reading A Winter's Promise by Christelle Dabos, when I should really be reading literally anything else on my TBR! This is why I typically don't make TBRs in the first place, ha! I think I'm going to icksnae Crazy Rich Asians and use American Panda to double up on prompts, because if I'm going to pass this readathon in a week, I'm going to need a lot of help. I just want Rory Gilmore to be proud of me, ya know? 

Okay, I think that's all I have for this update. It's midterm week here so I've been studying nonstop for four days straight. The amount of coffee I've consumed in the past week definitely qualifies me as an honorary Gilmore. But my last midterm is tomorrow, and I have one final paper in my online class due Friday, and then I am over the hump of the semester! I'll check back in on Friday when this week's video is posted. 

Until next time!
