I'm Reading Three Books At Once?! Reading Update 2-16-19

Hey hi hello friends, and welcome back to my blog!

Okay, I know I literally just posted my latest video, but I realized it had been about a week since I last updated you on my reading, and I promised myself I would do more reading updates this year, so you're getting more reading updates!

Currently I'm in the middle of three books. I feel like I'm back at my old self where I start a bunch of books at once and switch between them until I'm bored of one and move on to another.

I'm still working on Mythology by Edith Hamilton. It's been a good couple of weeks working on this book. I feel like it's going to take me until the end of the school semester before I finish it. At the moment, I'm at the section on the Trojan War.
I'm listening to In An Absent Dream by Seanan McGuire on Scribd (definitely my favorite audiobook app. This is not sponsored in any way, I just really like this website/app). I couldn't wait to get it from the library or to buy it myself, and plus I first read the other three books in the Wayward Children series via audiobook, so it seemed fitting. I'm really enjoying it. I listen to it as I walk to class, which only takes five to ten minutes, so it's allowing me to take my time on the book and not rush through it. I've finished part one, so far.

And the last book I'm working on is Mistborn: The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson (FINALLY). I'm on page 168 I believe, and I am loving it. The magic system is so interesting! I honestly can't believe it's taken me this long to pick this series up. I've been reading about 80 pages every night before I go to sleep, it seems like a good amount to read without overwhelming myself, and with it being a 700 page book, it will occupy quite a lot of my time. But honestly I don't mind that. Especially since I have a habit of breezing through books without taking in the story completely, and I feel that Brandon Sanderson's books need more time and attention. I want to really analyze the books I read, especially since I'm trying to get into the reviewing business. If my dream job doesn't work out (a museum archivist for the ancient Greece/Rome sections), I'd really like to go into book publishing/book reviewing industries.
Okay, I think that's all I have for this update! Unfortunately my mom forgot to bring up The Last of August when she and my dad came up last weekend, but whenever they come up next she will, so I'll let you know what I think of that book (as well as The Case for Jamie, since I've since ordered that from Book Outlet).

Until next time!
