A Rough Start | Reading Update 1.12.23
Hello friends, and welcome to my first reading/life update of the year.
In the interest of honestly, I'm gonna tell you guys that 2023 hasn't been great so far. In fact, it's actually been pretty terrible.
I was so excited when the year began because I'm definitely one of those people that like making goals and having clean slates and so on and so forth. I wanted 2023 to be so much better than 2022 so I was going in with that mindset. But the universe decided to give me the old one-two punch once again.
On the 6th of January, my dad and I drove out to California. My mom was already there, taking care of my grandmother, who fell and broke her hip in early November of last year. We were hoping that it was just going to be a round of physical therapy and then she'd be back to normal, because my grandma is actually a very strong and healthy person for her age. But things just kept happening, and by the 5th of January, she was on hospice. I was just there for Christmas, but of course I needed to go and say goodbye to her. So we were there for about five days, my mom and I sleeping in my grandma's room with her so my mom could check on her and give her medicine when needed. And my grandmother passed away on January 10th, just five days after being admitted to hospice.
This was extremely hard for me. I was very close to my grandma - I grew up only ten minutes away from her (and my grandpa) and so she came to all of my softball games, and school functions, and she would take care of me when I was sick. In just over two years, I went from having four grandparents to now only having one. I realize how incredibly lucky I am, to be in my mid-twenties and only just now losing elder family members, but losing them so close to each other is really taking a toll on me.
Whew, okay. Now that all of the hard stuff is out of the way, I'll tell you what I've been reading, which hasn't been much as I'm sure you could guess.
I didn't read at all while in California, just because I was too focused on my grandma, and making sure my mom was taking care of herself and eating right and everything like that, because when my mom is in nurse mode (she's a retired RN and worked in hospice for over a decade, so it's not like she was just winging it taking care of my grandma) she tends to forgo her own needs over the needs of her patient.
Before the trip I had started Cleopatra: A Life by Stacy Schiff, which is a nonfiction all about Cleopatra VII and her relationship to Rome. It's very well written and easy to read, so I am really enjoying it. I'm hoping that now that I'm back home, I'll be able to finish it quickly.
I will also be starting Locklands by Robert Jackson Bennett soon, which is the third and final book in the Founders Trilogy. I have to read a recap of Foundryside and Shorefall before I start it since it's been so long, but I'm excited to see how this series will wrap up.
Other than that, I don't think I have much else to talk about. If you stuck around and read all the way to the end, I just want to say thank you so much for caring about me and my problems. I know that I don't tend to get too personal on here often, but I didn't see how I could just ignore this event in my life. So, thank you for reading.
Until next time.
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