July '22 Reading Wrap Up!
Hey hi hello friends, and welcome back to my blog!
Wow, I can't believe we're already in August. July went by so fast!
I will admit, I did not read as much this month as I thought I would. This is mainly due to the fact that my friend bought me a 3DS and Pokemon X, so I spent an inordinate amount of hours playing that game. I'm probably half-way through, I would say.
That being said, I read 14 books this month: 8 novels; 1 novella; 2 poetry collections; and 3 manga volumes. And I read an extremely popular series for the first time! I'm actually pretty proud of myself, I didn't think I was going to finish the final book before July ended. But I did, right in the nick of time!
Alright, let's get into the books, shall we?
Genre: Fantasy, Queer Romance, Young Adult
Star rating/CAWPILE score: 4 out of 5 stars / 7.00
Day(s) read: 7.02 - 7.05
Goodreads thoughts: That’s good soup right there. First off, I love the weird, sassy, gen-Z humor that Wyatt uses in his narration. It’s ridiculous and over the top but it works so well, I think because maybe it reminds us that even though this is a magical land with magical beings who have so much trauma and so many problems to face, that they’re still kids, and we all know that kids who grow up with this sort of shit happening around them develop weird coping mechanisms and senses of humor.
Genre: Contemporary Fiction, Magical Realism, Adult
Star rating/CAWPILE score: 3 out of 5 stars / 5.57
Page count: 207 pages
Day(s) read: 7.05 - 7.06
Goodreads thoughts: I thought this was fine. It's nothing revolutionary or new or special, but it has a nice message at the heart of it. I do think that books help people grow, become more empathetic and caring, because they're able to put themselves in the shoes of others for a little while (even if they are fictional characters, sometimes). I thought the message about grief was well done, as well.
Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Adult
Star rating/CAWPILE score: 4.5 out of 5 stars / 8.57
Page count: 468 pages
Day(s) read: 7.09 - 7.17
Goodreads thoughts: Seriously, that’s how it ends?! That’s so mean! This was so fucking brilliant, I’m truly in awe at how N.K. Jemisin managed to tie everything together so neatly. I kind of guessed a main point, but it was the kind of guess where I felt so smart and validated when it was revealed, rather than it feeling predictable. Honestly though this has to be one of the smartest plotted books I’ve ever read. I can’t wait to read the sequel.
Genre: Fantasy, Queer Romance, Young Adult
Star rating/CAWPILE score: 3 out of 5 stars / 5.57
Page count: 304 pages
Day(s) read: 7.19 - 7.20
Goodreads thoughts: This was just pure fun and silliness. And I really don’t have any other words for it. A little forgettable, but still a good time.
Genre: Fantasy, Queer Romance, Adult
Star rating/CAWPILE score: 5 out of 5 stars / 9.00
Page count: 401 pages
Day(s) read: 7.22
Goodreads thoughts: I am completely and utterly obsessed. You can really tell that this book meant a lot to TJ and was used in a way to help with his grief. It certainly brought some of my own issues with grief to the surface, but in a…I guess not a good way, because what’s good about grief, but in a therapeutic way. I also liked the anxiety rep in here as well. And yes, I absolutely did cry. Multiple times, in fact. And I really want a physical copy of this book so I can hug it, because it’s the kind of book that deserves to be hugged.
Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Adult
Star rating/CAWPILE score: 4.5 out of 5 stars / 8.57
Page count: 410 pages
Day(s) read: 7.17 - 7.24
Goodreads thoughts: The stakes!! How the stakes have been upped!! I’m boggled, absolutely flabbergasted, as to how N.K. Jemisin came up with a story like this. How can anyone think up something so complex and wonderful?? How will I recover?
Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Young Adult
Star rating/CAWPILE score: 3 out of 5 stars / 5.57
Page count: 352 pages
Day(s) read: 7.28 - 7.31
Goodreads thoughts: Meh? I had pretty high hopes for this book because I love Christine Rossetti's poem "The Goblin Market" which is the main inspiration for this story, but it didn't quite make the mark in my opinion. The atmosphere was pretty good, I thought the author captured the grotesque beauty of the market, but the writing wasn't great and I felt the story kind of dragged in the middle.
Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Adult
Star rating/CAWPILE score: 4.5 out of 5 stars / 8.57
Page count: 416 pages
Day(s) read: 7.24 - 7.31
Goodreads thoughts: I am completely and utterly SHOOK. I can't believe this story exists, it's so incredible. AND THAT ENDING????? How am I meant to get over that ending, huh??? GTG lie in bed for the next week with a book hangover, because holy hell.
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Adult
Star rating/CAWPILE score: 3 out of 5 stars / 5.14
Page count: 112 pages
Day(s) read: 7.17
Goodreads thoughts: Eh? I appreciate what the author tried to do, and I like how clearly researched this was. You can tell that this was a real passion project, based on the writing and the care that went into it, but I don't have any particularly strong feelings for it. It was creepy, sure, but not terrifying. The best word I can think to describe it is ominous. There's an underlying feeling throughout the book that something isn't right. But it's rather easy to figure out what that something is, so it's not like I was shocked or surprised or anything like that. But if she writes more horror in the future, I probably will pick it up.
Genre: Poetry, Ancient Poetry
Star rating/CAWPILE score: 5 out of 5 stars / N/A
Page count: 224 pages
Day(s) read: 7.04
Goodreads thoughts: Pure poetry. I mean. Obviously. It’s poetry so naturally it’s poetic. Anyways.
Genre: Fantasy, Fairytale Retellings, Poetry
Star rating/CAWPILE score: 5 out of stars / 5.00
Page count: 176 pages
Day(s) read: 7.28
Goodreads thoughts: It wasn't the most impactful poetry collection that I've read from Nikita but I still appreciated it for what it was.
Genre: Shonen, Science Fiction, Humor
Star rating/CAWPILE score: N/A
Page count: 384 pages
Day(s) read: 7.06
Goodreads thoughts: N/A
Genre: Shojo, Contemporary, Romance
Star rating/CAWPILE score: N/A
Page count: 192
Day(s) read: 7.25
Goodreads thoughts: It just makes me laugh. I’m not sure if I can handle even more new characters though, and this volume has a lot. I hope that I can keep everyone straight in my head.
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