An Ode to Attack on Titan | Manga Mondays #3

Hey hi hello friends, and welcome back to Manga Mondays!

So, I'm on a major Attack on Titan kick. I managed to preform a miracle and got my dad to start watching the anime.

I know, I know, I'm amazing. Thank you. Oh, you're too kind.

But for real, he actually likes the anime! I've been trying to get my parents to watch anime with me for years (of course, all anime I pushed were ones that I would feel comfortable with watching alongside my parents, so there are definitely some out there that I absolutely refuse to mention in their presence - looking at you, Food Wars) and I have finally accomplished it! We are slowly making our way through season 1, as my dad is not the kind to watch twenty-three episodes in one day because the cliffhangers keep you so roped in that you look up after a bit and find that it's midnight...sorry, got off topic there. (If you want to know what I'm talking about, go watch my Call Down the Hawk reading vlog.)

We are now finally at the end of the Trost arc, and I'm physically buzzing with excitement every time he pulls it up on Hulu. I barely even watch the tv, instead watching him and his reactions. NOTHING at Marco! Meanwhile I was on the other side of the couch trying (and failing) not to cry, and he's completely stone-faced. Ugh! Though, I have a feeling that once we get to the part where we find out exactly what happened to Marco, he's gonna be more attached to characters enough to be at least a little upset. Don't let him tell you otherwise - my dad is a huge softie.

Meanwhile, I'm also reading through the entire manga just 'cause. I've been reading I think four or five volumes a night, and now I've finally got past the volumes that were all adapted, and officially in new content territory. Let me tell you, I was real confused at a character that showed up in Vol. 23, because he looked so different! I didn't realize that this volume (and subsequently this new arc) takes place like five years after the end of the last volume. I was ridiculously emotional the whole time once I got my bearings. Manga really has a way to wriggle into my heart and soul and then just...fester there. Without permission. How dare.

Okay I know I'm super incoherent right now, but it's just so hard to talk about this without spoilers ugh. I can't do it. I'm gonna have a small spoiler section right below this so I can squeal. I know I'm not done with the series (I think I still have like forty chapters left before I'm fully caught up) but I just need to vent.


Okay, so: I was so confused at seeing Reiner! Because he looked so old, I was really confused. I thought it was his dad for a hot minute. And obviously once it was revealed that it's been like five years since the retaking of wall Maria and Shiganshina, that made a looooot more sense. But seeing Reiner with his subordinates and his family I'm shook. And him bashing the 104th!

I mean, yeah, his description of Eren is pretty spot on, but Marco! C'mon, man! You're the one who sent him to his death!

Ugh. Ugh ugh ugh.

I just want to get to the part where Rivalle squad (Ackerman squad? Levi squad. Yeah) make the journey across the strait to the continent and have their cute revelations and Mikasa eats ice cream. That's all I want. And that's where I will stop because I don't want to think about Eren becoming a mass murderer. Okay that's all


Alright, I think that's all I'll write for this weeks' Manga Monday. Moral of the story is, I love Attack on Titan and you should all read/watch it.

Until next time!
