Reading Update 7.16.19

Hey hi hello friends, and welcome back to my blog!

It's been a hot minute. I'm aware and I'm sorry. This month I've just had zero motivation to do anything. I'm still managing to get some reading in, but I haven't wanted to review or film videos. I'm thinking that July will just be a very lax month for me and I won't worry about reviewing every book I've read this month, and my wrap-up will be more reminiscent of my earlier blog posts.

Despite this content-slump, I have thankfully managed to keep myself out of a reading slump, though just barely. My next blog post will be dedicated on reading slumps and how to combat them, but I wanted to do this quick update for y'all beforehand.

So far this month I've read eight books, which isn't great but it's by no means terrible either. I'm also in the middle of three books as well, so that's eleven right there (assuming that I'll not DNF one and I'll actually finally finish The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson--I've made about 200 pages of progress on it but it is a behemoth of a novel).

Mostly I've been rewatching NCIS, and also watching Haikyuu!! (for the third time, I know, it's a sickness truly) with my boyfriend because he's never seen it and I think that's a crime. However since we don't live together and he doesn't have Hulu or anything like that we can only watch when I'm at his place or vice versa and I bring my laptop, but we still manage to binge-watch about seven or eight episodes per watch session. And he's enjoying it and getting attached to characters, so that's a big win in my book!

In August I'm planning on not going to the library much and trying to just cut down my physical TBR as I have 45 books on it and my designated TBR shelf is getting a little full (not that there is any room on any of my other bookshelves). I also have bought quite a few new releases this month and I really want to read them so I can be in the know with all the hype surrounding them. At some point I'll film a summer book haul, I already have all the books I've bought since my last haul written down in my bullet journal, it's just a matter of feeling up to it. My psychologist tells me that I have reversed seasonal affective disorder and I am inclined to agree (for those who aren't aware: seasonal affective disorder--also known as seasonal depression, or SAD--is a mood disorder that targets your body during a certain time of year. Typically it happens in the wintertime as there is less sunlight and warmth permeating your body and mind, but not always. Reversed SAD just means that it targets me in the summertime. It's something to always keep an eye on, but for a person like me, who has severe anxiety as well as borderline manic-depressive disorder, SAD can be detrimental to both mental and physical health. Basically, summer sucks).

Okay, I think that's all I have for tonight. I'm already late for my Tuesday-night bible study group so I gotta hightail it out of here.

Until next time!
