Going Out of Town | Reading Update 10.14.20
Hey hi hello friends, and welcome back to my blog!
So just to get it out of the way: tomorrow my parents and I are going out of town to visit family, and I won't be bringing my laptop with me. I mean, I could, but I have this great setup at my desk with my laptop and my larger monitor, and there's a lot of cables and wires and it would honestly be kind of a pain to unhook everything, so I'm just bringing my portable electronics on this trip (meaning my phone and iPad). Now, I don't know how long we'll be gone, because we're not making a set plan or anything, so this means I probably (more than likely) won't be posting any updates on my blog for the duration of our trip. Of course I'll still be active on my socials and Goodreads and stuff, but posting on my blog via iPad is honestly annoying and too much of a hassle to deal with. So yeah, this will be my last post on my blog for at least a week if not more. But again, I won't be unreachable, so if y'all wanna chat you can reach me through Twitter or Instagram.
Okay, reading update time! I finally finished Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor last night, and then immediately picked up another book, so my TBR hasn't changed in number, hooray. If you don't get the Goodreads newsletter, basically A Golden Fury by Samantha Cohoe came out yesterday and I was the first person on hold for my library's copy, so now I have it for the next two weeks or however long it'll take me to read it. And yes, I'm still working on everything else that I've been reading for the past however-long. So, currently my Currently Reading is as follows:
A Golden Fury by Samantha Cohoe
Days of Distraction by Alexandra Chang
The Queens of Innis Lear by Tessa Gratton
Shorefall by Robert Jackson Bennett
I'm not sure what I'll finish first (I'm really, really hoping to finally knock out Innis Lear on the drive to family, which is about seven hours from where I live to where we're going, which should be ample time to get that last hundred pages out of the way. I swear, it takes forever just to read one page of this damn book! If I didn't love it as much as I do I would have DNF'd it a long time ago) but I'm also planning on bringing a variety of unread books on this trip with me, plus I'll still have full access to my Libby account.
For the physical books I'll bring along with me, I'm probably going to bring these:
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab
Imaginary Friend by Stephen Chbosky
A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik
And who knows, maybe I'll bring more than that. Like I said, I don't know how long I'll be gone. I have to make sure to have a variety of reading material. Of course, I'm also listening to like, fifteen different podcasts, and I'll probably also bring my Nintendo, and I'll have my phone and iPad with me as well...but you can never be too prepared! As my mother always says, "It's better to be overpacked for something than reach your destination and find out you don't have enough clothes." I figure that can apply for entertainment, too.
I should probably look at what audiobooks are available to me as well, so I can listen to something while I'm taking my turn behind the wheel tomorrow. I don't typically drive during this road trip, but my mom won't be in driving shape tomorrow (she's getting a spinal tap done later today) so I'll have to take her share of the trip. I'm sure my dad will appreciate it. Plus, it'll finally give me a chance to drive the car we're taking (long story, but essentially we own three cars; one is mine, and two are dad's, though my mom has access to both of them as well (she just hardly ever leaves the house to warrant her "own" car). I've only driven the older of my dad's cars, but we always take the newer one on this drive, so I'm gonna try and weasel my way into a shift).
Alright, I think that's all I have for this update. A bit more wordy than usual, but I just wanted to make sure I explained myself well enough, ha. I'm really hoping I'll be back home before my birthday (t-minus 13 days) but honestly I'm not sure if I will be. At least I can celebrate my best friend's 23rd with her! Her birthday is tomorrow, so I'll get the afternoon with her assuming there's little to no traffic on the way there. Oh, to still live in my hometown where all of my high school and childhood friends are. Thankfully that's also where family is, otherwise I'm pretty sure I'd have never visited my friends once we moved out to where I live now.
(Did that even make sense?)
Anyway. Until next time!
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